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Tuesday 10 May 2011

Walk of Section: 10th May 2011

With the new season being nine days old I decided to do my first official walk of my section of the Trail. Temperatures have fallen over the last few days, although we are still getting sunshine, there were some scattered showers to dodge.

I started at The Errington Arms car park, picking up some litter and cutting back grass around the stile before getting onto the trail.

During the walk to Heavenfield I continued to pick up litter, rake out molehills, fill in some rabbit holes, cut back brambles, cut back nettles and check all gates and stiles for any damage.

The Trail is looking in excellent condition and I enjoyed a leisurely walk back from Heavenfield.

On my walk of the section today I met 25 walkers. In this amount there were 2 Dutch, 4 Austrailians and 1 Spanish walkers, completing the whole Trail.

Gorse bushes in the Wall ditch near Heavenfield.

View of Trail looking West.

Trail looking West.

Trail in Stanley Plantation near site of Milecastle 23.

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