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Monday 11 July 2011

Walk of Section - 11th July 2011

During the month of July I make two visits the Portgate to Heavenfield section to inspect the Trail and return a monitoring report. Today was to be the second visit and I started at Heavenfield at about 8.15 a.m. It was a beautifully sunny morning and the majority of my time on the outward journey east to Portgate was spent cutting back vegetation around the gates and stiles.

The path continues to be in good condition and as it was recently mown it stands out in the fields probably being left for hay making.

Trail at Heavenfield looking West.
No problems were noted on the Trail as I reached the mid point. It was about 10.00 a.m. when I reached Stanley Plantation. As I walked through the wood, I cut back nettles and brambles encroaching on the path. It was to be at about 10.30 a.m. when I met the first two walkers travelling West.

Reaching The Errington Arms at about 11.00 a.m. I set back on the return leg back to Heavenfield. The sun continued to shine, but there was a few spots of rain and gathering dark clouds in the west. There was very liitle litter to pick up along the Trail this visit. On my way back I met a further 12 walkers travelling east. They had experienced no problems whilst on the Trail and were very complimentary about the condition of the path.

The following photographs were taken throughout the morning:

Trail looking West

Trail looking West

Colour in the Gorse bushes beside Stanley Plantation

Trail through Stanley Plantation looking West

Trail beside the Wall ditch looking West

Well mown Path looking West

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